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Overcoming Behavioural Biases: 5 Pitfalls Undermining Your Investment Success

Understanding and managing common behavioural biases like confirmation bias and herd mentality is crucial for optimizing your investment strategy and achieving better returns.

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Navigating divorce after 50

This article explores the financial and emotional challenges of divorce after 50, offering practical advice on rebuilding financial stability and navigating the complexities of asset division, superannuation, and living expenses in later-life separations.

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Quarterly Economic Update: April – June 2024

In this comprehensive quarterly update, we delve into the complex interplay of persistent inflation, shifting government policies, and global events shaping Australia’s economic landscape, offering crucial insights for investors and businesses navigating these uncertain times.

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End of Financial Year strategies

Explore effective end-of-financial-year strategies to enhance your wealth, from prepaying investment loan interest to maximizing super contributions.

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House-sitting: Holiday savings hack

We explore an alternative approach to saving for a home deposit or travelling without accommodation expenses by discussing the advantages, and disadvantages, of house-sitting.

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Optimising your Super: An annual 5-step checklist

Learn the five key steps that are crucial for optimising retirement savings and ensuring financial security.

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